How To Make Your New Year's Eve Party Memorable

30 November 2019
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog


With New Year's Eve just around the corner, you might be already planning in advance how to host a fantastic party for your friends and family. It's usually one of the biggest nights of the year for parties and you probably want to make it special.

Here are some ideas on how to make this New Year's Even party memorable and fun for everyone.

Make It A Themed Party

One way to make your New Year's Eve party fun and different from the rest is to create a theme for it. You could get everyone's opinions in advance or inform your guests in the days leading up to the party what the theme is.

You could have a black-tie party in which everyone must dress in fancy clothes. You could opt for a period style party where everyone must dress in a certain time period's clothes. Or, along the same lines, have them pick a period of history they like and wear those clothes.

You could also opt for a playful type of party in which everyone must wear a wig or some form of headwear like a cat headband or funny ponytail. Make sure you bring the theme into the whole party. This includes decorations, what you serve and even drinks.

Have Fun Activities To Do

While many parties have a DJ and a dance floor, you could also have other activities for guests to do, too. For example, have a cocktail hour before dinner—if you are serving dinner. Set up board games to play like backgammon, chess, or Monopoly for guests to play.

You could have a corner set up to play video games or sing karaoke as well. You could begin your party at a local outdoor skating rink – this is great for families, or if you are able to, have a bonfire in your backyard where you roast marshmallows and drink hot chocolate.

Have Food Stations Around The Party Area

If you would rather not have a sit-down dinner for your New Year's Eve party, then you could opt for something more fun. Have food stations set up around the room where your party is. You could have fondue on one end—both cheese and chocolate with assorted meats, pieces of bread, or sweet snacks in which to dip.

You could have a hot food table for appetizer foods like mini pizzas, slider hamburgers, and even french fries. You could also have a table with snacks on it. Bowls of chips and pretzels, popcorn, a cotton candy machine, and mini chocolate bars. You could also set up an ice cream sundae bar for your guests.

The aforementioned are just a few ideas for New Year's parties. For more ideas, consider reaching out to an entertainment service in your area.