6 Newbie Mistakes To Avoid When Learning To Play The Guitar

22 May 2014
 Categories: Entertainment, Articles


Learning to play the guitar can be a great experience. The feel of the guitar's finish and the vibrations that move through the body with each string you strum are motivational. However, there are some important things you should know before you pick up your first guitar.

Do Not Start With a Cheap Guitar

Beginners tend to make the mistake of buying cheap or used guitars. They figure that this guitar is just for practice, so it doesn't matter if it lacks quality. Since you are learning to play guitar, you are not familiar with how the guitar is supposed to sound.

Purchasing a cheap guitar is a mistake that could ruin your chances of learning to play properly. A cheap guitar may seem like a good idea, but the guitar is often hard to play or produces a bad quality sound. Instead, go for a higher quality guitar for your first guitar. Paul Reed Smith guitars provide a comfortable feel, durability and amazing sound.

Do Not Continually Practice Songs You Know

Once you learn a song, move on and start learning something new. Repeatedly playing the same tired tune doesn't teach you anything. In fact, playing something you already know is like spinning the wheels of a car without gaining traction. You go nowhere.

Even if you learn a song with incredibly hard riffs, that is no excuse to keep playing the same tune. You want to show your friends and family three or four months down the line that you can play a variety of songs. Play the songs you know once or twice a week to keep them fresh in your mind, but only repeat songs you have not yet learned.

Avoid Using Different Tutorials

If you decide to watch YouTube videos that help you learn riffs, avoid the use of books or vice versa. Using multiple sources to learn chords can make it difficult to understand. Once you choose a source, you need to stick with it, so learning is not complicated and confusing.

You will receive your best tutorials from trained professionals such as instructors. If your budget allows, hire an instructor near you to help you learn the different chords. The instructor can also advise you as to when you are ready to move on to more challenging riffs.

Do Not Attempt Insanely Hard Guitar Riffs

Even if you have been practicing for months and you know your chords, you can't expect to be the next Jimi Hendrix overnight. Mastering the art of playing the guitar takes time. You need to have patience. Knowing all of the chords is not enough to play the same wicked guitar solos nailed by famous rock legends.

The key is to start with easier songs. Once you learn a few of the easier songs, gradually progress until the songs get harder and harder. If a song seems too difficult to play, back down on the level of difficulty. Remember not to get frustrated if you are having a hard time. Just remember, practice makes perfect.

The Genre You Play Does Matter

Playing country music even though you don't like it can make the learning experience less enjoyable. Instead, stick to genres you enjoy. Keep in mind that some genres are harder to play than others. For example, heavy metal music usually contains loud, fast riffs whereas country music features slow, easy-going riffs.

If you plan on starting out with a genre that is a bit more difficult, find a song that is shorter and easier to play. Playing genres you don't like is like ordering food you don't want to eat. Just remember, when playing difficult genres, be realistic and don't expect to master them in a day, or even a week.

If you are interested in learning to play guitar, use the tips above to help you get started. Hire an instructor near you and purchase a worthwhile guitar. A PRS guitar is good enough to practice with and will prove valuable when you finally perform in front of an audience. Click here for more info.